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Ile-de-France cuisine?

Question by : Ile-de-France cuisine?
I’m looking for some information on the food of Ile-de-France. Like, what they eat for each meal, speacialty dishes, eating customs, and most popular foods. Any or all of this information will help.

Also, please do not give me THAT WIKI ARTICLE!!! It has nothing to do with ILE-DE-FRANCE. And please don’t give me info that doesn’t apply to ile-de-france.

Thank you all!

Best answer:

Answer by reinaldok_2000
I do hope that you realize that there is no such city called Ile de France. Ile de France is one of 22 administrative areas in France. What you have asked is about the same as asking for the food in Michigan or maybe Alberta. When you want to know something about a city in France – just let us know. ..

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