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Q&A: need advice on wait loss tips and healthy eating habits?

Question by I walk by faith, not by sight: need advice on wait loss tips and healthy eating habits?
i’m almost 21 years old, 5’0″ and around 175lbs, and my goal is to be 125lbs. i’m type 2 diabtetic, and have other medical issues as well, and i NEED to lose weight and start living a healthier life! it’s mandetory! what sorts of foods should i eat and what sorts of foods should i avoid ating? i think i know how to plan my exercise routine and all that stuff, but the food part is a dragggggg! any advice on what foods to eat?

Best answer:

Answer by J R
Eliminate as much sugar as possible. Look at the labels, even things like ketchup. i lost 25lbs cutting out soda and “most’ sweets. Also buying sugar free goods. Takes about 6 weeks to conquer the sugar cravings. Bring reg coffee and tea on board if you miss your soda. Good luck

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