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where to get acai supplemts in ottawa?

Question by Caroline: where to get acai supplemts in ottawa?
i cant go to a free trial or order them online. i need to go to a store and buy them that way. are the any stores on Merivale road, or even better Merivale mall? i looked in shoppers and they didnt have it, but theres an nature store in merivale, would they have it?

Best answer:

Answer by The Unknown Chef
I would try a GNC store, Shoppers Drug marts do have some capsules, even venture over to Hull and check out a Jean Couteu, it is available on the net, I live in Toronto and buy it many forms, dried, paste, in concentrated juice from, and the Brazilian stores have it 50% cheaper, like Goji berries it is just a matter of looking around, do a hard search of all the natural and health food stores in the Great ottawa area, I have not been there in some years.

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